Poet Srikanth Reddy reads from and discusses his work during a Bagley Wright Lecture Series event hosted by the Poetry and Literature Center, September 10, 2015. Photo by Shawn Miller. From http://bagleywrightlectures.org
Poet Srikanth (Chicu) Reddy, author of Facts for Visitors: Poems, and Voyager, and Associate Professor at the University of Chicago in the English department and the Program in Poetry and Poetics will be lecturing at Princeton on Monday, October 5th, 4:30 PM, in a very exciting event sponsored by the Bagley Wright Lecture Series.
Srikanth Reddy
“The Unfinished”– A Lecture About Auden’s “Musée des Beaux Arts” and Brueghel’s “The Fall of Icarus”
Monday, October 5, 2015
4:30 PM
Hinds Library, McCosh Hall
Reception in the Thorp Library to follow talk.
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