Hello and welcome! Saluton kaj bonvenon!
I am working on a second book of poems and on a narrative poem set in Nova Scotia in the 1940s and 50s. With my other hand I’m writing a book about Esperanto and the dream of a universal language. Opinions, verse and anecdotes welcome. My most recent books are The Hills of Holland: Poems (Archer) and Emma Lazarus (Nextbook/Schocken).
Come down, my heart
Come down, my heart,
what do you
see from there?
Here’s winter, here’s
a ladder.
I see the sad angels
five days on,
the eve of Adam,
grey wells
of their eyes
snow falling,
falling snow
a lighthouse
or an obelisk
and your remains–
laddered flesh,
splintered bones.
This is hard
my heart, I thought
I’d always
have you.
Years I went
by the name
of heart
for fear —
no, certain–
you would turn me out
until the day I found
a window
open, in it
neither glass
nor curtain.