Poets Caryl Pagel and Paul Legault will share the stage at the Kelly Writers House on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia, Wednesday, November 28th at 6pm, in the Arts Café.
Caryl Pagel is the author of Experiments I Should Like Tried At My Own Death, a collection of poetry published by Factory Hollow Press. Her poems and essays have appeared in AGNI, Devil’s Lake, Jacket2, and Thermos, among other journals. She is the co-founder and editor of Rescue Press and a poetry editor at jubilat. |
Paul Legault is the co-founder of the translation press Telephone Books and the author of three books of poetry: The Madeleine Poems (Omnidawn, 2010), The Other Poems (Fence, 2011), and The Emily Dickinson Reader (McSweeney’s, 2012). |